Monday, June 4, 2012

Celebrity Creepin'

I have decided that I am just either a skilled celebrity stalker or maybe a fake paparazzo, and no I do not mean those rude idiots racing around outside the gates pushing us out of the way while we are begging for tickets.  These rich people are never going to go online and look at the pictures you took of them!  Sure, it might be shallow and not important to many people, but you can’t tell me you were not excited to see at least one famous person while at Cannes.
So to begin, I had no idea that press conferences even happened when I started going to the festival.  This little gem was discovered by Nicole, and I am so happy she found it.  The very first time I went to the press conference, I could not believe I had waited so long to venture to this piece of heaven on the third level of the Palais.  The idea that all these famous people were walking around in the open and I was not there to see them nearly killed me. 
I first went on the day of the Madagascar 3 premiere.  Not long after we took our spots behind all the other people there with cameras we saw Ben Stiller, Chris Rock, David Schwimmer, and Martin Short as they were leaving the press conference.  I immediately knew, however, that my view was not as good as it could be.  From then on, I arrived extra early.  Also, none of these other people are any more important than I am, right?  I mean, wouldn’t they be inside the press conference if they actually mattered?  Maybe not.  I vowed to be early and pushy.  Again, not like those fake paparazzi though. 
I returned later that afternoon just to see what was what only to discover that I was staring right at Sean Penn.  Yeah, I am so going back!  Sadly, however, this press conference had apparently been later in the afternoon than most and I was fooled.  I returned the next day around the same time to learn that the press conference had been over for several hours.  What?!  I learned that I should then arrive by noon to see the end of the conferences after that day. 
I continued with this pattern for 2 more days.  I managed to see Tom Hardy and the rest of the Lawless cast (except Shia Labeouf) that afternoon, but I was still being harassed by all the non-press in front of me.  Are they press?  Yep, I’ve got to arrive even earlier.  The next day was the premiere of One the Road and I still did not arrive early enough.  I managed to see Garrett Hedlund from a distance, and I got somewhat of a glimpse of Kristen Stewart, though I did not really care much about that.  She basically just sprinted to the gigantic elevator without paying any attention to anyone.  Who does she thinks he is?  I also got to see Kirsten Dunst, but that was also not as exciting as it could have been since I had already seen her in The Majestic a few nights prior.
After this, I finally learned that I needed to arrive before the press conference even started.  This would ensure front row “seats” and an autograph.  I proudly scored both the next three times that I tried.  I was more than happy to get up at 7 in the morning to catch the 8:30 train (assuming it was running).  I was in place right at the front of the line at 9 am to see the casts of The Paperboy, Cosmopolis, and Mud.  I could not believe it!  The first two days I got there so early that the brown suits had not even set up the line for us to stand behind.  Once they did, though, I almost ran to my spot.  The brown suits got onto me on several occasions for crossing the line.  Oh come on!  They are not even here yet and I’m just really excited.  I got pictures and autographs of Zac Efron, Nicole Kidman, John Cusack, Robert Pattinson, Matthew McConaughey, Reese Witherspoon, Tye Sheridan, and Sarah Gadon.  I also got to see Paul Giamatti, though he was not signing autographs.  This is becoming unreal!  I got to touch Zac Efron and actually talk to Matthew McConaughey at the Mud press conference!  This was actually the third time I saw Matthew; I had already seen him at The Paperboy press conference and in the Majestic.  I was genuinely surprised by how nice all of these people were.  Sure the movies were awesome, but I will definitely remember doing this forever.